
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Sunday, January 07, 2007

"There's a sort of a liberal call for reparations that..." *thud*

I'm sitting in a bagel place eavesdropping on two humanities/cultural studies grad students discuss absolutely nothing. There are several words being used and a torrential surfeit of space-fillers, but I have yet to hear any useful thought or specific idea expressed. Here are some of my treasured words and expressions:

"no one CALLS it genocide"
cliche (rawk!)


"Did you hear that it's illegal in, um, Europe, um, in the European Union, to, um, deny that the holocaust ever happened?" (No. I've never heard of such laws. I live on Io.)

"Katrina has become a trendy subject"

"melancholia in the morning in the context of the Iraqi insurgency"

"Do you think that what happened, um, in the wake of, uh, Katrina was more a result of, uh, institutionalized racism or, um, generalized incompetence, um, on the part of the power structure?"

They're not even talking in circles. This is a random walk of less structure and predictability than Brownian motion.

Oh sweet lord Jesus, now they're making tepid fun of Noam Chomsky! *gasp* What bravery!

*scrambles for play button on CD player*