So, out of boredom, I sometimes run the names of people I know through Google or Google Image Search. I just tried "James Beacham," and this is what came up:

ABC Action News: TAMPA - Sex offender and rapist James Beacham apparently does not believe his crimes should affect his parental rights. The former deputy wants custody and/or visitation with the 10-week-old son born as a result of the rape he committed. The teenage victim has never received a dime of child support from Beacham and she must now struggle to pay for a court battle. The victim's family has a little more than two weeks in which to find a lawyer and file an answer to Beacham's complaint. Like the family, many ABC Action News viewers are outraged by Beacham's latest actions. We have been flooded with calls from viewers who want to help with the legal defense; now, a fund has been established to assist the family.I also found this article when I searched for myself:
Chris Winstead built a shooting facility at his house in Belgrade, where he runs youth shooting programs. He has helped cultivate several shooters who have gone on to the U.S. Olympic Shooting Team. He didn't compete in South Africa because there's just not enough time for him with both kids shooting. "I coach them as they shoot," he said. "That's stressful enough."