What's wierd about virgin birth insurance?
Since 2000, three unnamed English women have retained an insurance policy to cover "the cost of bringing up Christ if one of them has a virgin birth." Supposedly these women are members of "a Christian group." The Catholic Church got wind of the policy and threw a fit. The agency, British Insurance, therefore canceled the policy.
I can't decide what part of this is the most strange. Were these three women serious, or did they enjoy the policy as a long-running gag? Why did the agency grant the policy (which requires the women to prove that the child is Christ before it pays out). Lastly, why does the Catholic Church get to influence insurance policies held between unrelated third parties? If the Pope hates me, can he lobby to have my life insurance canceled? Out of all these things, I'm going to vote for the Catholic Church's interference as the strangest and most disturbing part of this story.