
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Friday, July 30, 2004

This Document not Found.

Erin sent me a link today to an article about Lawrence Lessig, lamenting the tyranny of copyrights. There was a typo in the link, however, so I got this message instead:
This document was not found. Stanford University © 2000
Evidently Tsujigiri is now in violation of Stanford's copyright on that phrase. I wonder if they'll sue me... Didn't Thomas Jefferson or some other ass hole say that "A just society preserves its peace only when every trivial liberty is deemed to infringe the legal rights of another, so that no man dare piss off his neighbor, and so that the citizens shall quietly collect dirt on each other, thus binding each other's actions through the constant balance of threatened suit and counter-suit." Actually, isn't that the definition of the Social Contract? It is time we all accept the truth of modern culture and start refering to lawyers as "priests." They alone are what stands between civilized life and the jungle.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Need a zero-volume bottle? Searching for a one-sided surface? Want the ultimate in non-orientability? Get an ACME KLEIN BOTTLE!

From the "Important Information for Idiots" section:
Although originating in the 4th dimension, Acme Klein Bottles are immersed (not embedded) in 3 dimensions, using special techniques known to students of advanced topology. We strongly recommend that you do not attempt to evade the Pauli Exclusion Principle.
They (he) also sell(s) Klein Bottle hats.