Listening to George Bush talk is like stabbing myself in the eyes. "Balancing science with ethics." I have spent more than ten years studying ethics. I've read dozens of books on the subject, probably thousands of essays. It is a periodic obsession for me. The general public is so passionate about ethics, but they don't give a shit about the study of ethics. In fact, they are more likely to mistrust the opinion of a learned ethicist, prefering instead the pronouncements of their pastor or priest, which are invariably worded in brain-bashingly simplistic and unspecific terms that make my stomach empty itself. I have put in so much time and effort. Yet day after day I am subject to ethics lectures by those who have never bothered to put in the time. Now they're talking about partial birth abortions. Jesus, what a bizarre circus that is. If you really want to know why partial-birth abortions exist, you can examine the variety of terminal fetal defects like this one [warning: awful]. I am so sick of the big "fuck you" we get every day from the religious right. As a Catholic Priest shithead once said to me, "we're not here to debate, we're here to educate." They aren't here to recognize the other side, they're here to say "fuck you." And yet it is considered so rude if we say "fuck you" back at them.