
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Best news of the past two days.

These are my favorite news items of the week so far:

  • MSNBC on Dinosaurs: "Creationists, who think dinosaurs died in the Flood, have their own issues with paleontology, as did a Brooklyn rabbi who wrote Norell to complain that if word got out that birds were really dinosaurs, people might decide that chickens weren't kosher."
  • Glory Hole turns down bear meat: An Alaskan homeless shelter called "the Glory Hole" is no longer serving casseroles made from bear meat. "A Juneau homeless shelter has stopped serving donated bear meat after learning the state prohibits nonprofit groups from accepting wild game meats such as bear, fox and walrus... The Glory Hole rarely gets offers of deer because venison is more palatable to most people while bear meat has a stronger, wild smell..."
  • You can't take the devil out of people with pills: "A Romanian Orthodox monk has been indicted in the death of a nun in an apparent exorcism in which she was allegedly bound to a cross, had a towel stuffed into her mouth and left without food for three days."


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