
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Friday, May 30, 2003

Matt Drudge is an objective, disinterested observer: There is a story in the Palm Beach Post about Florida gubernatorial candidate Janet Reno's speech to a group of supporters in Delray Beach, Florida, and it can be found here. According to the story, she just talked about a buch of basic dems-need-to-organize and fund-raising stuff. Then, apparently talking about the current state of politics in America, this happened:
Reno spoke about visiting the Dachau concentration camp in Germany as a child and learning what had happened. "I went back and asked my adult German friends, 'How could you let that happen?' " Reno said. "They said, 'We just stood by.' " She looked right into the the audience and told them that's why she was there. She had no intention of just standing by. "And don't you just stand by," Reno said.
Today, one of the headlines on The Drudge Report reads
In Speech To Dem Club, Janet Reno Appears To Compare GOP Agenda/Nazi Atrocities...
Is Matt Drudge a noble and impartial observer, seeing the truth where others choose not to? Or a monstrous fuckhead?


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