Lieberman for President? Forgive me for saying so, but it seems to me that with our present diplomatic situation in the middle east, having a Jewish president sounds like a pretty bad idea. It doesn't seem like a good way to improve relations with Arab countries. It especially wouldn't help the US appear impartial in its efforts to mediate between Israel and Palestine. I think having someone of, say, Lebanese descent, like, say, Ralph Nader, is a much better idea. Nader was guest host on Crossfire yesterday. There were a lot of accusations tossed around, like "Lieberman would already be Vice President if not for you!" It was good fun. I hope Nader runs again because I'd rather not vote for Lieberman anyway. And it looks like George Bush is doing better in the polls than when he started, so he only really stands to lose the election if we have a huge defeat in Iraq or something. Which is sad. He should lose the election because he's a moron. And Lieberman should lose the election because he sucks at everything and has little of value to say. Nader should win because he's a resilient outsider with some new ideas and he's not afraid to say what he really thinks. He isn't wrapped up in the strangehold of Republicratic politics, so he doesn't have anything to lose by being honest and direct. I like him.
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