Gruss Gott, mein friends! How are every person tonight? Bitte, my hope is for you to join me fur ein kleine nachtkomputation. We shall have bier und pretzels und the soothing tones of Beethoven from my midi sequenzer while we bathe in glowing light of streaming bits. Let us float mystically by candelight to the banks of babbling IP packets, where daemons frolic and servers await our requests in the foggy bottom of that nether-kernel which transcends time. Oh what maxims and modalities we might explore as we tap the digital artery which flows like the Rhine around und through all things. Would you care for a danish? Now let us, through our fingers, cleave unto our machines and become as one. One mind, one thought, all joined by the binary seance of ethernet; we become zeitgeist tonight! As we peer into this machine to find unity with every transistor -- every electron -- so shall we come to know the thing in itself.

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