
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More Tango, Less Wango

God, I love this topic (the racist homophobic military recruiter) and how it has inspired some excellent blog conversations. I am especially enjoying the chat over at Reason Magazine's "Hit and Run" blog (linked to this post). Reason readers have above-average skills at argument construction and politico-philosophical lingo. I especially enjoyed this high-brow melee:

Pendulum: If a lot of people

jf: Well there's no refuting that.

highnumber: But what if a few people?

highnumber (later): And have you considered how a lot of people?

Later in the argument, Pendulum elaborates on his position that Army recruitment is comparable to consensual statutory rape, which he supports.


At 4/3/07, 8:06 PM, Blogger highnumber said...

Have you considered that posting our comments out of context makes us look like we?

At 4/6/07, 8:13 AM, Blogger Chris said...

The context is sufficiently


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