What is wrong with the IRS?
I have been trying since July to complete a "Request for Residency Certification Form" with the IRS. If I successfully fill out the form, the IRS will send me a Certification that I live in the US. They keep sending the fucking thing back to me saying "we need additional information." What is the necessary additional information? They want a statement, signed under penalty of perjury, that I live in the US. In other words, they want me to certify that I live in the US, after which they will certify that I live in the US. I have sent them this signed statement repeatedly, but they keep sending it back saying they need the signed statement. I don't know what the fuck they want.
I don't know how I can fill out this fucking form again using any words other than "fuck." Name: Dr. Fuck Fuck Fuck. Address: Fuck, Fuck, FU CKFUCK-FUCK. SSN: FUC-KF-UCK.
Does the IRS recruit its employees from group homes for the mentally disabled?
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