So lonely.
Don't ask me how I found this link. Random google searches sometimes turn up unexpected gems. This particular site features a typical self-pity blog post. But for some reason it is followed in its comments by a long list of poetic dittos that span several years. The comments go on and on, each person adding their own melancholy message of personal neglect. Here are some examples:
Ariel says "i'm afraid my loneliness has become something more than just a desperate emotion. For i am standing in a continuing darkness that echoes silence. I use to fear that i would never be able to have a moment to myself, a chance to be alone... and now that's all i know..."
Then Adam says "Another Valentines day has arrived and yet again I am stuck alone in my world of complete darkness. I feel that I live to experience loneliness and despair."
...and so on...
Then Alexandra eventually says "Hey guys. A lot of you sound like you've got some serious problems with depression. I used to be the same way, until I owned up to my problem and got help. Call your local hospital and they will refer you to a mental health professional."
But G-Unit completes the thread with this sentiment: "Nah just end it."
In spite of my best efforts at sympathy, this thread cracked me up.
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