Catholicism, Condoms, and AIDS
I have repeatedly stated that the Vatican systematically spreads false medical information in Africa and elsewhere, claiming that condoms in fact cause AIDS and that you're better off not using condoms. After some searches through Tsujigiri, it doesn't appear that I've actually put up a credible link to substantiate this story. Here's one from the BBC:
The Catholic Church has been accused of telling people in countries with high rates of HIV that condoms do not protect against the deadly virus. The claims are made in a Panorama programme called Sex and the Holy City to be screened on BBC One on Sunday. It says cardinals, bishops, priests and nuns in four continents are saying HIV can pass through tiny holes in condoms. The World Health Organization has condemned the comments and warned the Vatican it is putting lives at risk. The claims come just a day after a report revealed that a young person is now infected with HIV every 14 seconds. [snip] In an interview, one of the Vatican's most senior cardinals Alfonso Lopez Trujillo suggested HIV could even pass through condoms. "The Aids virus is roughly 450 times smaller than the spermatozoon. The spermatozoon can easily pass through the 'net' that is formed by the condom," he says. The cardinal, who is president of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family, suggests that governments should urge people not to use condoms. [snip] The programme includes a Catholic nun advising her HIV-infected choir master not to use condoms with his wife because "the virus can pass through". The Archbishop of Nairobi Raphael Ndingi Nzeki told Panaroma that condoms were helping to spread the virus. "Aids...has grown so fast because of the availability of condoms," he said. In Kenya, one in five people are HIV positive. Gordon Wambi, director of an Aids testing programme in Lwak, near Lake Victoria, told the programme that he could not distribute condoms because of opposition from the Catholic Church. "Some priests have even been saying that condoms are laced with HIV/Aids," he said. According to Panaroma, the claims about condoms are repeated by Catholics as far apart as Asia and Latin America.I can attest that these claims are being repeated by American Catholics, by people I personally know, people who should know better.
I am often forced to make a crucial distinction between being anti-Catholic (lest I end up like a defamed senator) and being anti-Catholic-Church-and-Its-Long-and-Despicable-History. Every Catholic I mention this to immediately comes up with something about how the priests are "sometimes just, you know, human like the rest of us."
Then why are they revered as super-human in Catholic communities? How can they possibly be the bearers of a higher standard when their actions are substandard and approach the criminal? Why is the human brain so credulous about mysticism that, despite a seemingly constant barrage of demonstrably and shatteringly contradictory and immoral behavior by Catholic officials, there have NOT been mass voluntary excommunications? What the fuck is going on?
And why does The Fountainhead suck so much? What the hell is the point?
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