I love editorial mistakes in online news articles:
The Reporter - Despite meter error, FdL woman“I hate doing this,” Fond du Lac Water Superintendent Dale Paczkowski said. “I don’t like it. (And) it’s time consuming for us to be putting (shut-off) notices on the door and sending letters.” Paczkowski said the water was used — it ran through the actual meter. “I agreed (in December) to $50, which I cannot do,” Terry said. “I thought I could (pay $50 per month toward the debt), and I had my back surgery, and I lieves headache and eases insomnia. It can be applied full strength to burns, rashes or psoriasis. Lavender is a “must-have” in the home, Vores said. n Lemon increases optimism and sense of humor, helps calm fear and increase memory, according to Vores’ list of essential oil uses. In very dilute solution (1 or 2 percent) it is good for acne, he said. n Peppermint is a mental stimulant, relieves headache and anxiety. It is good for congested sinuses and digestion as well as emotions. n Tea tree oil builds strength before surgery, says a list of oils Vores’ has compiled. It’s a strong antiseptic that stimulates immunity. Vores describes essential oils as the “lifeblood” of a plant, the part that is fragrant. “Pure” oil comes from a single source. Pure essential oil is always superior to synthetic oils, Vores said. Synthetics are likely to be mass-produced, lower in cost and have weaker scents. The real thing, he said, is likely to give the nose a bigger “zing” when it’s uncorked than a synthetic.
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