I know I haven't posted in a fucking long time, and I also know that by using the word "fucking" in my first post in a long time, I'm effectively alienating Corpse Divine's "traditional family values" audience base. However, did anyone else see the thing about the Bush Administration's Clarke plans being found in a D.C. Starbucks? The link is here.
"Stay inside the lines. We don't need to puff this (up). We need (to) be careful as hell about it," the handwritten notes say. "This thing will go away soon and what will keep it alive will be one of us going over the line."If I recall correctly, though, Starbucks has been at the center of D.C. politics for a long time. Deep Throat wasn't really in a parking garage, but a Starbucks (Woodward and Bernstein caved to threats of litigation and changed it). Also, Nixon wrote the Checkers speech on a flattened-out venti cup. Truman uttered his infamous "Fuck you, Jap surrender plan, I'm gonna nuke those slant-eyes tomorrow!" line from an easy chair at the Starbucks in the mall (sources report that he used to Irish-up his chai latte on the sly and ramble for hours). And, most controversially, Teddy Roosevelt raped Sacagawea in the dumpster behind the State Street Starbucks (biscotti bender, they say). What, you don't believe me? Go read a history book, you fucking dead-eyed Americans. It might not be in your watered-down, white-washed high school texts, but it's all in Howard Zinn, I assure you.
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