
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Friday, March 19, 2004

Ah, the south, always looking for someone to hate.
Contra Costa & Alameda: "DAYTON, Tenn. - Commissioners in rural, conservative Rhea County never intended to create the 'wildfire' of reaction that resulted from banning gay people, the county attorney said after the board reversed its 2-day-old decision. The original vote was meant to show support for the state's ban on same-sex marriages, county Attorney Gary Fritts said Thursday. ...Fritts said he advised the commissioners that they could not ban homosexuals or make them subject to criminal charges. The U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down laws on homosexual sodomy as a violation of adults' privacy. Commissioner J.C. Fugate, whose initiated the Tuesday motion, also made the motion to rescind it Thursday. In a discussion about gays and same-sex marriage at the earlier meeting, Fugate had asked the county attorney to find a way to 'keep them out of here.' Twelve-year-old Caitlin Kinney and others in a noisy crowd at the courthouse Thursday night were disappointed at the reversal. The seventh-grader said she doesn't want homosexuals in the community. 'It's not a Christian thing,' said Kinney, identifying herself as a Baptist. 'I've never seen nothing like this,' Fritts said at the historic courthouse where a jury 79 years ago convicted John Scopes for teaching evolution. During the Thursday meeting, social worker Esther Jackson, 24, held a sign saying, 'Breed Love, Not Hate.' 'I'm just making a statement that I don't think it's right,' Jackson said of the Tuesday vote. 'It's just ignorance, is all.'"
Wow. Well, I guess I'll go out now and breed some love.


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