
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Sharia law to be enforced in Canada?
AmericanDaily.com - Canada Allowing Sharia Barbaric Laws? - Warner Todd Huston: There was an interesting story in the Canadian press recently. It seems that some in the Muslim community there have every intention of instituting insane Sharia style laws to govern its own community within Canada itself. They seem to feel it perfectly reasonable to ignore an entire country’s laws and custom and institute one not only foreign to their adopted country’s sensibilities but one wholly antithetical to them. A convention of Muslim leaders has “elected” a 30 man council called a Darul-Qada intended to be called the Islamic Institute of Civil Justice (Canada). It has been called “the latest step in a long struggle to have Islamic law recognized in Canada”, by the Law Times News. ...Jihadwatch also reported that secular Canadian courts may have no jurisdiction in matters handled by the Darul-Qada. They report, "once an arbitrator decides cases, it is final and binding. The parties can go to the local secular Canadian court asking that it be enforced. The court has no discretion in the matter."
In response to this trend, I hereby announce the official launch of my new project, titled "Boycott Earth." This project, spearheaded by me, will involve the construction of large biospheres and rocketships with the intention of establishing humanist colonies on the moon and in orbit, where we can pose no threat to the delicate religious communities on the delusional space-raft called "Earth." A sign-up sheet will be passed around at the next regular meeting of your local Homo-Atheist Conspiracy chapter.


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