
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

It seems appropriate tonight to say something related to the State of the Union address. So it seems we're going to war and, coincidentally, God is on our side this time. The words spoken by President GW Bush were not unlike words spoken by virtually every 20th century American president. Bush is merely following the predictable path laid out for him by many previous generations, perhaps stretching back as far as the honrable President McKinley. It reminds me of a jingle I worked on a few years ago. It's good for just about any American political party, for TV and radio ad spots, etc. The words are by God, and I set it to music. It goes like this:

I could heal the sick (if I wanted to) save the damned, feed the poor make a Christian of every Jew! I could end all the wars, and bring world peace; set prisoners free, and make the blind see, but I want you to do it for me! I want you to do it with democracy! Be the party of God! Let your light shine! Put your political faces In places where I won't show mine! Be the party of God! Tell the world who's in charge! Build an army so fine-- Let the hand of man stand in for mine!
I think this would be a timeless classic pep-song for any party that chose to adopt it. It somehow seems to be continuously applicable.


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