
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Sunday, January 26, 2003

Vatican: Oops! I did it again! It seems like that wacky Roman Catholic Church just can't get anything right! It seems Irish Catholic convents were running laundromats for profit in which young girls were used as slave labor. The last of these laundries closed in 1996. You can read more about it here! According to ABC News:

Operated by the Sisters of the Magdalene Order, the laundries were virtual slave labor camps for generations of young girls thought to be unfit to live in Irish society. Girls who had become pregnant, even from rape, girls who were illegitimate, or orphaned, or just plain simple-minded, girls who were too pretty and therefore in "moral danger" all ran the risk of being locked up and put to work, without pay, in profit-making, convent laundries, to "wash away their sins."
Ever bashful, the Vatican still hasn't mustered up an apology. Don't worry girls! The Church will come around in a few centuries or so! Oh gosh, the Catholic Church is just the quirky goof-up of western society. They always just seem to be one step behind modernity. I think the Vatican shenanigans would make a pretty crazy strip in the Sunday comics.


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