
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Friday, January 24, 2003

I thought this would be as good a story as any with which to start my tenure as Corpse Divine squatter. It has particular relevance to me, since my grandma's maiden name is Thacker. If I were a better ex-mormon, I'd be able to pull all sorts of geneology stuff out of my ass about exactly how I'm related to Jerry Thacker, and which bigotry genes we share, and how neither of us is Ari Fleischer's favorite person right now. Of course, I'm just guessing that I'm not Ari's buddy, since our politics are pretty dissimilar. I wonder about people like Fleischer. Do they enjoy contradicting themselves on a daily basis in order to preserve the Republican conceit that the President cannot be wrong? Are they genuinely committed to the politics of the administration? Or are they really just professional mouthpieces, like Shaquille O'Neal for Radio Shack? Anyway, it's a bit odd that Jerry Thacker is considered too radical to be on a presidential AIDS advisory fucking panel, when the sitting Attorney General (who, remember, was defeated in his senate run by a dead man) is as Bob Jones-ey as they come. Maybe I've just gotten to the point that nothing this administration can do will shock me. I fully expect Henry Morris to be appointed as head of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.


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