Evidently, in Canada, landlords are allowed to enter apartments and inspect for cleanliness. We are being given notice by our building manager that our apartment is insufficiently tidy. She noted "accumulation of papers," by which I assume she means my research materials which had been piled around my desk. She also mentioned "grocery bags lying around," by which I assume she meant the bags of recyclables in the open closet next to the front door. I stood silent and perplexed while she mentioned these complaints. Before I determined how I felt about being cited for un-neatness in my private apartment for which I apparently pay an extravagant rent each month, she assured me "this is legal here." Fuckin Canada. Just look at their damn happy money:

In case you're wondering, this is what our hopelessly unkempt apartment looks like (we got all of our furniture at Ikea):

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