
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Friday, September 27, 2002

New opinion poll on the potential war with Iraq. If heavy casualties are projected, there isn't even majority support among republicans. Looks like they're going ahead with this anyway.

Would you favor or oppose taking military action in Iraq to end Saddam Hussein's rule?
Overall -- 64 percent favor, but that drops to 33 percent if the United States must act without allies.
Republicans -- 77 percent favor, dropping to 43 percent if no allies.
Democrats -- 42 percent favor; 13 percent favor if no allies.
Independents -- 65 percent favor; 38 percent favor if no allies.

Would you favor or oppose taking military action in Iraq to end Saddam Hussein's rule, even if it meant that U.S. forces might suffer thousands of casualties?
Overall -- 48 percent favor, but that drops to 25 percent if no allies.
Republicans -- 66 percent favor; 20 percent favor if no allies.
Democrats -- 35 percent favor; 13 percent favor if no allies.
Independents -- 47 percent favor; 24 percent favor if no allies.


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