America's Ambivalence
According to this CNN/USA-Today/Gallup poll, Americans are split over whether the war in Iraq was a mistake. In an interesting twist, we are in a four-way split over what to do about it:
Fifty-two percent of respondents said they thought it was a mistake to send U.S. troops to Iraq versus 47 percent with the opposite view. One percent said they had no opinion.
...In this year's survey, Americans were nearly evenly divided about whether and how the United States should change troop strength in Iraq: Twenty-four percent said more troops should be sent, 26 percent said troop strength should not be changed, 21 percent said some troops should be withdrawn and 25 percent said all troops should be withdrawn.
Damn. So, if you're the President who caused this big mess, what can you do to fix things up? Well, by gosh, you do the same thing that they do in every B movie once the plot has become incomprehensible: you throw the biggest fucking party Washington DC has ever seen.
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