
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Son of Sam meets Son of God

Whether you're an alcoholic son of an oil magnate or a Watergate burglar or a notorious serial killer, once you drink the blood and eat the flesh of a 2000-year-old undead Jew, and say the magic prayer, then thanks to His perfectly voluntary sacrifice, God will let us all be friends again. Yay God! Except for you non-believers. We need to stop you at all costs. Serial killers in, Atheists OUT.
Family.org - CitizenLink - FNIF News - Berkowitz Interview Draws Criticism: Are there stories of redemption that should not be told? Focus on the Family is under fire for sharing the salvation story of David Berkowitz. In the 1970's, Berkowitz, who was known as 'Son of Sam,' murdered six people and wounded seven others. He was sent to jail, where, after a number of years, a fellow prisoner shared the Gospel. Said Berkowitz, of his conversion: 'I deserve to be in Hell right now for the things I did. But, in spite of that, God, Who is rich in mercy, reached out to me in my darkest time and lifted me up.'


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