
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Friday, February 06, 2004

The Judges have ruled: gay marriages cannot be stopped in Massachessetts. Meanwhile, back at the bat cave...
FOXNews.com - Politics - Bush: Gay-Marriage Ruling 'Deeply Troubling': "Bush's statement was similar to his remarks in his Jan. 20 State of the Union address in which he said that if judges 'insist on forcing their arbitrary will upon the people, the only alternative left to the people would be the constitutional process.' Conservative activists and religious groups, banding together under the name the Arlington Group, gathered in Washington this week to plot strategy. Some participants said they left with a White House commitment to fight for a constitutional amendment. 'We were given direct assurances from the very top,' said Kelly Shackelford, president of the Texas-based Free Market Foundation. 'There's no doubt. It's our understanding that the president is waiting for a day when there is not a massive news story to do it himself.' Another group, the Alliance Defense Fund based in Scottsdale, Ariz., sent out an e-mail asserting, 'This morning, President Bush agreed to join the effort to push for the passage of this amendment.' Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, a leading group of social conservatives, said, 'I would not be surprised at all to see the president come out very soon calling on Congress to act.' He said he could not speak for Bush but that 'it appears that things are falling in line for that to happen.'
For reference purposes, these are the legal rights extended to heterosexual married couples. Everyone should recognise them as part of the well-known definition of marriage, universally accepted by all societies for the past 6,000 years:
Legal Marriage Rights Typically Granted by the State: Assumption of Spouse?s Pension Automatic Inheritance Automatic Housing Lease Transfer Bereavement Leave Burial Determination Child Custody Crime Victim?s Recovery Benefits Divorce Protections Domestic Violence Protection Exemption from Property Tax on Partner?s Death Immunity from Testifying Against Spouse Insurance Breaks Joint Adoption and Foster Care Joint Bankruptcy Joint Parenting (Insurance Coverage, School Records) Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner Certain Property Rights Reduced Rate Memberships Sick Leave to Care for Partner Visitation of Partner?s Children Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison Wrongful Death (Loss of Consort) Benefits Federally-Granted Legal Marriage Rights: Access to Military Stores Assumption of Spouse?s Pension Bereavement Leave Immigration Insurance Breaks Medical Decisions on Behalf of Partner Sick Leave to Care for Partner Social Security Survivor Benefits Sick Leave to Care for Partner Tax Breaks Veteran?s Discounts Visitation of Partner in Hospital or Prison
[This information was provided by 'Nikitona' at Cross and Flame]


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