
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Friday, February 13, 2004

Courtesy of Fark, here's an interesting article in The Slate about the hypothetical/actual press reporting of John Kerry's hypothetical/actual liasons with plausible interns. I like this one:
Selling Sleaze: A User's Guide - Ten ways to rationalize the publication of infidelity rumors. By Timothy Noah: "4) It's a story about financial impropriety, maybe. Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros' affair with Linda Jones became the public's business because he paid her more than $250,000 while the taxpayers were paying his salary. Apparently the taxpayers didn't want him spending his salary on a sexy blonde; they wanted him to spend it on a subscription to National Journal. Cisneros resolved this by paying $100,000 to the government. If this can be sold as a financial scandal, anything can."


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