Prediction: The Bush Administration will find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, probably in a bunker or hole or late model Benz. Neo-cons and right-wing pundits will scream victory and, in stern, damning tones, call for everyone who ever doubted Bush to hurl themselves in front of the nearest train. Then, it will be discovered, possibly by a reporter at U.S. News and World Report or the Times or the Washington Post or by Seymour Hersh in an expose in The New Yorker that, in no uncertain terms, and without equivocation, the found weapons had been manufactured and planted by Bush administration officials, with the full knowledge and consent of Bush himself. But this information will receive limited coverage in the major TV outlets. Tom Daschle will say he is disappointed, but won't comment any further. Matt Drudge will focus on a peripheral story, perhaps about how one of the most culpable officials is openly critical of Hillary Clinton's new book. The major progressive news outlets and organizations, like Mother Jones and The Nation and the Green Party will yell as loud as they can, trying to get people to pay attention. They will probably also ask for a formal investigation by the Justice Department, and demand impeachment proceedings. And then the conservative media will kick in. Bill O'Reilly will denounce the "pro-whiners" as "insane" and ask "what more could they possibly want? WE FOUND THE WMDS! They're right there!" Ann Coulter will get her hair done and exclaim, "How dare these maniacs question the president after the weapons have been found? I'll tell you how they dare: they're pinko atheists who still haven't gotten over the thrashing Bush gave Gore Loserman in the 2000 election. They should be committed. I will personally give one hundred dollars to anyone who has their local Bush-bashing commie committed to a mental institution." Sean Hannity will wonder how "Trotskyites" can still operate out in the open "like they obviously do in the Green Party," and suggest that all those calling for an investigation "spend one evening with the family of a marine who was killed in Iraq protecting our country and helping to find those WMDs that they just can't seem to admit exist, even when they're staring them in the face." Rush Limbaugh will say, "My friends, isn't, isn't this incredible? Are you as outraged as I am that these people have the unbelievable gall to suggest that these WMDs don't really exist? I'm not the biggest O'Reilly watcher, but I have to admit that he was right when he asked, 'What more could they possibly want?' Do they want rogue terrorist groups to steal these WMDs and use them on an American city? Would that convince these traitors of the existence of the weapons? My friends, you and I both know the answer: when you're dealing with libb-ur-uhls, the answer is always, 'No'." And, gradually, people... will... just... forget... Nothing will happen. Noam Chomsky might write a book about it. Howard Zinn will write another chapter to People's History about it. Ralph Nader will point out how the reason nothing was done is because nothing was done about Iran Contra, and how that was because nothing substantially punitive was done about Watergate. And Bush will smile. Remember, the key to politics is that, bascially, no one cares.
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