
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Wait a minute! You mean that someone in the Bush Administration is an anachronistic Christian ideologue?!? Rod Paige, U.S. Secretary of Education, thinks that a Christian education is better than any other education. He has explicitly said so. The press release, from Americans United for Separation of Church and State, sums it up nicely, and on their front page right now, they have links to several good articles and editorials about the whole Rod Paige affair. The following is taken from the AU press release thing, and the quotes are originally from the interview he gave to the Baptist Press:
In the interview, Paige agreed with [the Baptist Press reporter] Starnes’ assertion that “there’s such animosity towards religion and God in general in the schools and educational system.” Paige replied, “It’s a real puzzle to me. My upbringing just shields me from even thinking that way, so I can’t imagine why, what’s at the root of that.”

Paige's upbringing shields him from even thinking that way. That's good. My own election day decisions have always been based in full on the propensity of the candidate to let his or her own deep-seated religious biases and superstitions influence wholly secular public policy issues. Then again, Paige wasn't elected to his current post. Nor was his boss.


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