
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Saturday, March 01, 2003

"What Liberal Media?", by Eric Alterman has been out for less than a month, but it looks like it's already (or soon will be) a big part of Group 1. Haven't read it yet, but Amazon suggested I check out this guy's list, titled, "So you'd like to...become an idiot!". It's worth reading, despite a few grammatical errors here and there. (Whoops, there's the copy editor in me, slipping out again...) For instance, he says this about Ann Coulter's "Slander":
Not only is it definitive proof through liberal use (pun intended) of the Lexis-Nexis database that "the Media" is liberal, it also explains in witty invective just how stupid everyone who's a liberal is! Sure at least half of the footnotes and "research" in the book has been shown to be at best shoddy, at worst outright obfuscation, but that doesn't matter to you! First rule of becoming an idiot- claims do not have to be supported or researched or found to contain any facts to be true! If you con convince yourself "Slander" is good journalism and a book to be taken seriously, you're way ahead of the idiot curve already!


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