
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Monday, February 03, 2003

Biblical prophesy trying to come true? From Reuters: Infertile lioness tries to adopt antelope:
NAIROBI (Reuters) - An infertile lioness with a strong maternal instinct has tried to adopt a baby antelope, only to watch it die like six others she has snatched. The lioness grabbed the new-born impala calf from its mother in Kenya's Samburu national reserve on Saturday, but instead of eating it, began licking its coat like one of her own. "We thought it was just a normal kill, but when it got hold of the impala we realised it wasn't going to eat it up, we realised it was an adoption again," said George Oluoch, manager of Larsens Camp, a tourist site in the reserve. He said the baby impala was found dead on Sunday -- apparently having died from a combination of stress, exhaustion and lack of its mother's milk. The lioness, named Kamuniak or "blessed one" by wardens, is a loner who appears to snatch antelopes because she cannot have young of her own. Each attempt has been short-lived, despite her efforts to nurture the calves, in some cases even allowing their natural mothers to feed them. One of Kamuniak's antelopes was eaten by a male lion, another died, while others have managed to escape back to their natural mothers or were taken away by game wardens.


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