According to The Capital Online, the Navy has confiscated more than 100 computers from Naval Academy students who are suspected of downloading MP3s. This is evidently in response to a letter sent to Universities by the Recording Industry Association of America. Says the article:
An Oct. 3 letter signed by four entertainment-based lobbying associations spelled out that Internet copyright infringement violates federal copyright laws. "`Theft' is a harsh word, but that it is, pure and simple," the letter stated. "... It is no different from walking into the campus bookstore and in a clandestine manner walking out with a textbook without paying for it."
Dare I suggest the obvious difference? When you walk out with a book, the bookstore no longer has it. "Intellectual property" is another vaccuous element of the corporate mysticism that has become the dominant religion of western society. Its sacred texts are endless tomes of legislation, deeply buried court rulings, and impenetrable contracts. The lawyers are the priesthood of the modern theocracy; only they are able to read and interpret the sacred writings. They might as well go ahead and print all legal material in latin. Its not as though having it in English does any good for the vulgar masses.
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