
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Sunday, November 24, 2002

More from Fark: The Anti-Leech Campaign has developed software (called Anti-Theft) to help curtail the of "theft" that occurs when internet users avoid seeing pop-up ads. According to the site: "A website cost time and money to run. Every time you visit a website you will cost the webmaster behind that website money as they have to pay for the bandwidth you use when downloading images, information etc. Most websites depend completely on revenue from advertising through banners and pop ups."

How dare you steal that page view! Especially since so much internet content is so useful to you! Just think where we'd be without popup ads. The internet world might be reduced to the lousy functional public forum that it used to be. You wouldn't look away from the television during a commercial would you? Of course not! You'd be arrested if you tried to steal broadcast programming like that, without attentively watching all advertisements the way we all always do. Circumvention of advertisements is exactly why the FBI confiscated and smashed every Tivo unit. And how many of us have learned our lessons through hard time when we cut out the commercials while taping a TV show?

Theft is theft. Without all those opportunistic popup ads, there's no telling how many porno sites would disappear. And good luck finding an X10 camera; good luck finding a casino that caters to minors by using phone bills instead of credit cards; good luck finding an misleadingly underpriced travel package; good luck finding fraudulent "windows alerts" about unsecured bank account numbers stored on your computer; and good luck finding that fucking Microsoft butterfly without popup ads. All of those websites sustain themselves by sucking advertising dollars out of companies -- the way leeches suck blood. If you were out swimming with your friend Billy, or TimeWarner, or XXXHotPussyWhore, and you spotted a leech on his back, would you remove it? Would you cut off an innocent leech from its only source of support? I don't know anyone -- I hope I don't -- who would do such a thing.

Sorry for such seething commentary on such an irrelevant subject. It's late and I can't get sleepy. So I'm taking it out on the idiot who launched the "Anti-Theft Campaign." He probably doesn't deserve it. The write-up was full of mispelled words and poor grammar. I should have withheld my flame-fest and instead expressed my pity for the tiny, weak minds who conceived it.


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