
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Thursday, May 05, 2005

"The calculation of alpha is quite difficult."

"The result is alpha = (pi^2)/4."

There is no calculation.

The derivation of the Fermi energy in three dimensions is somewhat difficult, so we will just give the result.
Perhaps my appearance deceives you, Mr. Text. Perhaps you've mistaken me for something that I am not. I appears as though you consider me a mook.

Give me the damn derivation. I can handle it. I swear. If I can't, I'll read it a thousand times. How dare you force me into another book.

Fuck, Mr. Text, I'm left with the impression that advanced solid state physics is actually hard.

Whatever, man.


At 5/8/05, 12:05 AM, Blogger Chris said...

I have been struggling with Fermi-level condescension for years. First as a student, now as an educator. The Fermi energy is the biggest, most mysterious stumbling block for students in solid-state physics. Even advanced texts on semiconductor physics manage to define Fermi energy via a vicious circle which confuses me to this day. They should at least provide an appendix explaining the rough outline of how one might begin to calculate the Fermi energy.

At 5/8/05, 8:59 AM, Blogger James said...

Oh, so you're siding with the text, huh? Great. Thanks for the support, man.

No, I checked a couple of other books and was wholly confused, as well. I chalked it up to inexperience, but now you're saying it's a lifelong issue. Hmm. I'm still curious.

At 5/8/05, 2:04 PM, Blogger Chris said...

No, I'm siding against the text actually. Fermi energy is confusing because it is difficult to find a text that actually explains it. This is because students tend not to know anything about probability or statistics, much less statistical physics. The Fermi energy is conceptually not that difficult, but it sits at the intersection of a few complicated disciplines and it is hard to know where to start when writing for a general audience of unknown background.

Nevertheless, I firmly believe that books could do something to better demystify the concept of Fermi energy.

At 5/9/05, 7:53 AM, Blogger James said...

Sorry, I didn't make my sarcasm obvious enough. Damn Internets.

At 5/9/05, 7:53 AM, Blogger James said...

Sorry, I didn't make my sarcasm obvious enough. Damn Internets.

At 5/9/05, 7:53 AM, Blogger James said...

Sorry, I didn't make my sarcasm obvious enough. Damn Internets.

At 5/9/05, 7:53 AM, Blogger James said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 5/9/05, 7:56 AM, Blogger James said...

And Blogger is only making things worse. Let's see how many times this one gets posted.


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