
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

It seems like San Diego is the place to be for politics right now. At least, that's what I gather from this WorldNetDaily article:
Congresswoman at XXX-rated sex meeting: Against a backdrop of the pink, blue and lavender-striped bisexual flag, [Rep. Susan Davis, D-Cal.] and executive director Joan Garry of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation addressed an estimated 500 attendees.... A workshop on "Hosting Sensual/Sexual Parties" instructed participants on how to hold sex orgies in hotel rooms and private homes. Said presenter Tom Limoncelli, "I think sex parties are a way to change the world." Among the tips offered:
  • Designate separate spaces for kinky sex and socializing;
  • Place containers of condoms, gloves and dental dams around the room accompanied by waste baskets;
  • Decide on a particular fetish theme;
  • Determine whether to hold "sacred sexuality" and magic rituals;
  • Conduct a "safer sex" educational session before the party begins;
  • "Plant" people within the group to start sexual activities
On Saturday morning, David Longmire, a "Body Electric School-trained Sacred Intimate" from Seattle, demonstrated "erotic touch" on fully nude male and female models. Female model "Gabriela" disrobed before participants, then lay on a table while Longmire demonstrated his methods on her backside and frontal private parts.
James, please tell me you didn't miss this!


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