
The editorial comments of Chris and James, covering the news, science, religion, politics and culture.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Adams

Thursday, August 21, 2003

The Judge Roy Moore thing is finally coming to a head. This sort of thing is really not that troubling, because it's so silly. The only possible conclusions that the common, objective observer can come to, upon hearing about this matter in its entirety are these: 1) Alabama (Alabamy) is the most backward state in the union. 2) Judge Roy Moore is a fringe goofball. 3) Evangelical Christians are stupid. Only number 2 is really, objectively true, so it's too bad that Moore's actions have forced the other two conclusions. Chris's and my conversation of a few weeks ago seems more and more apt. We came to the conclusion that fire-and-brimstone JVI evangelical types are really just Live Action Role Players who got out of hand. They LOVE theater and drama. If Judge Moore wants to believe that the U.S. Constitution is founded upon the Judeo-Christian Ten Commandments, fine. The preponderance of evidence is against him, but that's his own business. When he starts foisting it upon others in his official capacity as a justice, then it's everybody's business. And when he foists it upon others in the form of a gargantuan monument, then he's just acting like the hyperactive high school drama club kid. I'm curious to see exactly how much he ends up paying in fines. Hopefully it won't be zero.


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