Richard Cohen has written a review of Ann Coulter's Group II book Treason [link]. His review -- a bit belated I think -- is remarkably similar to mine (although I confess that Cohen's is less hot-headed and more elegantly put than my own). The review is titled "The hard right finally dumbs out." Cohen says:
I am happy to report that Ann Coulter has lost her mind... Coulter conflates dissent with treason, opposition with treason, being wrong with treason, being right with treason and just about anything she doesn't like with treason. If the book were a Rorschach test, she would be institutionalized... In some ways, the nutso American brand of archconservatism mirrors traditional anti-Semitism. Jew-haters proclaim that Jews control the media, international finance and almost everything else of importance - but somehow have accumulated a 2,000-year history of expulsions, pogroms and, finally, the Holocaust. It is the same with liberals. They control everything, and yet somehow the White House, both houses of Congress and, with the exception of several New York delis, virtually the entire business community are in the hands of conservatives. It's hard to figure... But I think she sometimes gives the left too much credit. "The left cut down a brave man," she writes about Sen. Joe McCarthy, forgetting that the ol' redbaiter was censured only after he tangled with the Eisenhower administration. When her book reaches the best-seller list, as it surely will, we'll know the conservative movement has cracked up. Happy days are here again.
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