Okay, this post is a little demanding, but it's entirely worth it. Thanks to my Uncle Brad, I'm now a full and complete 365 Days Project addict. Back in mid-February, Brad gave me a disc of mp3s and accompanying pages of the project in full at the time, and I've been hooked ever since. If you haven't already heard about it, it's an attempt to post a different bizarro mp3 every day for the entire calendar year of 2003. Fun fun fun. I'm not going to bother to describe a sample of what's already in the archives, just go and browse already. If you don't have the time or inclination to follow it daily, there are two selections that you MUST MUST MUST download:
Red Shadow (The Economics Rock & Roll Band) -- Understanding MarxThe first is classic: "Freud's a fraud and / Skinner's of no use / Read Marx and Lenin it will really turn you loose!" And the second is absolutely baffling. It does no good to discuss what's wrong with it; the answer is everything. But what's right with it? Answer: nothing. Listen closely to the post-song notes, when she mentions what she sells for a living: Grit. I cried. I kid you not, I cried. I laughed so hard I cried. I cried for all the times I saw the successful pre-teen entrepreneur on his bike in the Grit ad in the back of Green Lantern comics and tilted my head and thought, "Hey, that could be me!" And this woman sells it. There are some great images to be found accompanying each mp3, as well. Here's one at random, as I know some people out there possess a fondness for the particular TV series being referenced:
Alexandria Hughes Little -- Jesus Christ's Ring

One of the links on one of the pages led me to Show and Tell Music, where they have some incredible scans of album covers, like these:

The first is for all of us who used to watch Jack Van Impe after The Simpsons on Sundays, back in the day, and the second, of course, is for Chris. Apparently, Mr. Bat teaches kids about Jesus. Would you like to learn about Jesus, Chris? No? Look into Mr. Bat's dead eyes and say that! And I think Li'l Markie deserves his own post...
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